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Hospital to Aged Care Dementia Support Program (HACDSP) Flyer

Written by Dementia Support Australia | Mar 11, 2025 1:34:24 AM

Delayed transition from acute care back home or into a residential care home can affect the long-term wellbeing of a person living with dementia and their families.

The Hospital to Aged Care Dementia Support Program (HACDSP) is intended to support older people living with dementia who are at risk of delayed hospital discharge. The program will operate in 11 locations across all states and territories.

A person is eligible for the program if:

  • They are an inpatient in an acute/sub-acute public hospital setting in an agreed site.  Before you consider a referral, please check the eligible locations and participating sites here.
  • They have dementia (diagnosed with dementia or suspected dementia/diagnosis not confirmed or have a history of progressive cognitive decline).
  • They are age 65 and over, or age 50 and over and an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person, or otherwise eligible to receive Commonwealth funded aged care services.
  • They have a current Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) or Regional Assessment Service (RAS) assessment and are eligible to receive Commonwealth funded aged care services.
  • They agree to receive DSA services, and there is current valid consent to participation in the Hospital to Aged Care Dementia Support Program.

For more information about the program and eligibility, download the program flyer below or click here.