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  • 1 min. read
  • 17 February 2022
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Responding to Medication Management Issues

#Healthcare Professional #Medication

This guide provides you with practical strategies to try and others to avoid when responding to common medication difficulties. Issues with medication may have more than one cause. Consulting with the person’s GP or a pharmacist may be needed. 

What to do when the person does not want to take medications because they lack insight or do not believe they need them:

  • Consider: What is the person’s tablet taking history? Are there ailments they readily accept medication for? Have they always been poorly compliant?
  • Organise a GP medication review. Can the number or frequency of medications be rationalised?
  • Prioritise medications so that the most important is given first.
  • Provide a rationale for taking the medication. A note from the GP saying that the person needs to take the medication may be helpful.
  • Give medications at appropriate times: when the person is most cooperative; is distracted by preferred activities; or the time which matches the person’s past routine.
  • Offer preferred incentives to motivate the person e.g. favourite food.
  • Check with a pharmacist, your supervisor and your facility policy if camouflaging medication in the person’s food is being considered as a last resort.
  • Make certain that medication is supervised by the administering professional to ensure that it is ingested.

Resource Summary

  • 1 min. read
  • 17 February 2022
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