We go wherever
you need us
Our 24/7 nationwide support service goes wherever you are in Australia – including regional and rural areas around the country.

Where you live shouldn’t
limit your access to support
We believe that rural and remote Australians should have the same standard of access to vital programs as those in metropolitan cities.
With teams in every state and territory, we offer help across the country – so no matter where you are, response times for our critical services remain the same.
Our Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service (DBMAS) consultants can reach anyone including rural and remote clients within one week and our Severe Behaviour Response Teams (SBRT) can be there within 48 hours. And if for some reason we can’t, we’ll support you by telehealth until our teams are on the ground.
Whether you need support over the phone, video conferencing, or face to face, we can help.
Free 24/7 nationwide support
Dementia Support Australia regional and remote visits 2022
Kangaroo Island
Goldfields – Norseman, Kalgoorlie, Leonara/Laverton, Esperance
Surf Coast/ Shipwreck Coast
Norfolk Island
Eyre Peninsula
Walcha – Warialda
Kimberley – Broome, Derby, Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek, Wyndham, Kununurra
Mount Isa
Grampians – Wimmera
Far North West Tasmania
Norfolk Island
Coober Pedy
Pilbara – Karratha, Roebourne, Port Hedland, South Hedland, Newman
Bega Valley Shire
West Coast of Tasmania including King Island
Proactive regional and remote support
We know that sometimes it is better to proactively plan for longer visits, so we offer regular opportunities in remote areas for you to connect with our consultants. We’ll work with local care providers and health professionals to provide a comprehensive visit.
Working in partnership with Dementia Training Australia and Dementia Australia, we can also offer education, training and advocacy, so reach out to us for a chat and book in a visit.
How we’ve helped others
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you provide support to people living at home alone with dementia?
Yes, we do. If someone is referring into the service, we’ll need consent from the person living with dementia or their substitute decision maker to visit.
The person I am caring for is having issues at their respite care/day centre and behaviour is making this difficult. Will you help?
We provide support regardless of where someone is located – if they are in short- or long-term respite, or day centres we can still provide advice and support. And in many cases, be on the ground to support care teams.
My family member is in hospital and the care home have said they might not be able to return. What can you do?
With permission from the care home, we can work with them to better prepare the care setting for the return of your family member. This might be achieved by spending time in the hospital with their teams to understand what is working well and build proactive support plans. If another care home is under consideration; we can also support them. Everyone needs to consent to have us involved including the hospital.
In regional centres, how often will you visit?
DSA recognises that rural and remote Australians require the same standard of access to this vital programme as those in metropolitan cities. No matter where you are located in Australia, response times for DBMAS and SBRT remain the same.
DSA consultants have the capability to reach rural and remote clients within one week for DBMAS and 48 hours for SBRT cases.
We also support Norfolk Island – you can access us below.
You can contact DSA
- Chat online
- By calling the DSA helpline on 1800 699 799 and speaking to a consultant
- By emailing dsa@dementia.com.au
- Face to face
- Send an online form: Refer Now
Get help, day or night
Dementia doesn’t follow a set schedule – and neither do we. You can contact us 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. Simply call our 24-hour helpline on 1800 699 799 or contact us.
Dementia Support Australia continues to provide its services across Australia during the current pandemic.
We understand that care homes and family carers might be more concerned about the level of access our services are able to provide.
Read about our services during the pandemic