2023 Staying at Home program
The Staying at Home program is creating opportunities for carers and people with dementia to meet others who are going through the same experiences in a supportive environment.
A Cultural Journey Supporting People with Dementia
DSA is committed to improving the quality of life for people living with dementia, which includes understanding the connection to land, spirit and culture that is so important in...
A Day in the Life of a Dementia Consultant
Dementia Consultant Ashley Roberts invites you to share a day in the life as he discusses some of his most challenging cases and the hurdles that were overcome in trying to...
Apple gingerbread cake with cinnamon icing
Check out our dementia-friendly recipe for a delicious and festive apple gingerbread cake with cinnamon icing.
Around the grounds: ARTCS case study
The following is a de-identified case study from the Acute to Residential Care Transition Service which aims to showcase how knowing the person can sometimes be the best support...
Around the grounds: September edition
Background: Working with rural and remote communities can bring with it unique complexities that require thought, innovation and a special kind of flexibility. The more we provide...