Providing the best possible care for people with dementia is our priority at Dementia Support Australia. It is every persons’ right to be safe and supported even in circumstances when anxiety and stress is high.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, DSA has released a resource for aged care services with tips to support a person living with dementia where behaviour may be impacting their care.
Restrictive practices: understanding and managing behaviours in a time of pandemic outlines clear guidance on how to respond when a person is displaying changed behaviours, if you suspect a person in your care has a COVID-19 infection and how to minimise transmission.
“We want to support those who work in aged care as much as possible at this time,” explains Associate Professor Colm Cunningham. “By developing this resource, we hope that care workers will have some additional strategies to use when dealing with difficult circumstances in their workplace.”
The document covers general advice on what to look for as a common cause of a changed behaviour, alternatives to the use of physical and chemical restraints, and the role that the GP can provide.
DSA services continue to be available to care homes and are considered a ‘professional service’ for residential care by the Department of Health.